

Thursday, August 25, 2016

How I Started on the Ancient Path

 Back in 2008 Adonai tapped me on the shoulder and started drawing me very close to Him. He would wake me up almost every morning around 3 am and we would speak to each other about our love for one another. He was right in the room with me! I felt so alive and refreshed during this special season. After awhile, He began to let me sleep and seemed far away, yet I knew He was with me. This was the year my earthly father became very sick and and even though my fellowship with my Heavenly Father was distant, He moved in miraculous ways for me and taught me many things! Looking back, I can see how He used those times of refreshing to strengthen me for the battle I would be facing in dealing with my father's health problems.

In 2011, things began to change for me in a big way! I had known for a long time that many of the TV preachers were preaching a gospel that was contrary to the gospel I saw in the Bible. I was quite concerned that I may be a heretic! It was scary and sad to see that many things I had been taught were simply not true. I was doing a lot of fasting and praying at the time. One day, I had a dream like no other dream I have ever had before...or since. The dream happened in February and was about Israel. It had three separate scenes of violent war in it. I woke up crying and could not get it out of my mind for months. Every time I thought of it, I cried. I realized I did not know much about Israel, so I started looking at maps and wondering more about the Jewish people and the whole Middle East. I had the dream 2 days before the Egyptian riots started. I have always loved the Jewish people because I knew Yeshua was Jewish and I knew I was supposed to love and bless them, but I realized I did not know much about them.

The following month was March. One day, I was at work and during my lunch break, I decided to go out to my car and read my Bible. The Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) specifically directed me to look up Passover. I started reading a passage about it and suddenly realized that it specifically said it was to be observed forever! Am I supposed to be doing this, I wondered? I began to see that I was supposed to be doing this and it was coming up at the end of the month. The next day or so, I was home from work and I knew that if I did not call a rabbi and talk to him about this, I was going to burst!

I got out my phone book and looked under synagogues. I found one that said "Messianic" and I thought, hmmm...I think they might believe that Jesus is the Messiah like I do! I never knew there was such a thing as this. I called and a nice man answered. I nervously asked him if it was ok for a Christian to celebrate Passover and he quietly said "yes". He explained that his congregation was having a Seder meal that year and I was welcome to attend for the cost of the meal. He gave me a woman's phone number to make the arrangements with. After talking with her, I just knew I had found a new sister in the Lord and decided that I must attend this Messianic Congregation that very Saturday! I could not wait for Passover!

You see, a church I used to attend started observing "Sabbath" and then, my mother had married a Seventh Day Adventist. I was struggling with the whole "Sabbath" issue. One part of me would think, "but we are not under the law" yet the other part would think, "but when did this "law" change?". I finally knew that the Sabbath was for me and I began to see what I was missing!

Well, the people at this Congregation must have thought I was crazy when I walked right up to the front and sat in the second row! I was so eager to know more about the Lord and what He was showing me. If I could have sat right at that teacher's feet, I would have, because I knew in my heart that I was going on a great, new adventure with my precious Abba Father. He has not let me down!

That was the beginning of my journey walking this narrow, ancient path, following my Friend and Messiah, who I now know as Yeshua!

Psalms 18:2-3 (Complete Jewish Bible)
(1) "I love you, ADONAI, my strength!
(2) "ADONAI is my Rock, my fortress and deliverer,
my God, my Rock, in whom I find shelter,
my shield, the power that saves me,
my stronghold.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

His Word is Eternal

 I cannot stress this enough. Jesus was a Jew. He lived according to Torah and the Prophets writings (the so-called "Old" Testament). He taught us to live "by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" (quoting Duet. 8:3 speaking it in Matt. 4:4). The Jewish people were never replaced!

Mary and Joseph were Jewish. John the so-called "Baptist" was Jewish and all of Jesus' (Hebrew/Aramaic name "Yeshua"-meaning "Salvation") followers were Jewish. They kept Adonai's (the Lord's) Sabbaths and Feasts (or "Moedim" in Hebrew which means "appointed times"),

Yeshua did not change anything that the Father put into motion. He did not create a new religion called "Christianity" although I see nothing wrong with being called a Christian if we follow Him. He did not create new sacraments such as Communion or infant baptism as the churches observe. He did not start new holidays such as Easter or Christmas. He simply observed God ordained, Jewish Feasts/Moedim called Pesach (Hebrew) or Passover (KJV English)  and all of the rest found in Leviticus 23.

There was no "New" Testament when Mary, Joseph, John the Baptist, Jesus, the disciples, and Saul/ Paul lived. By the way, Saul's ( "Sha'ul" in Hebrew) name was never changed to "Paul". Paul was the name the Romans called him. Please see Acts 13:9 and look up the name, "Paul". You will see that it is a Roman name. He stopped being a Pharisee, but remained a Jew all of his life!

Yes, the New Testament is the inspired Word of God, but if you want to truly understand it like a Berean, you must study the scriptures that they used, which would be the "Old Testament ". The Torah is alive and well and God's Word is eternal. It never changes and neither does He! It all points to the Covenant we have through the Son of God who takes away the sin of the world!

This is why we can trust Him.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Matzah Recipe

Homemade Matzah
Serves: 4-8Yield:

4 cups flour (can be half white or half whole wheat)
1 1/2 cups water
2 tablespoons olive oil (optional, oil will make it soft like a tortilla, No oil it will be a cracker) ~ I use the olive oil! Yum! 
Combine ingredients and knead for ten minutes.
Roll into a ball, cut in half, then cut each half into 8 pieces.
Roll out each piece as thinly as possible into ovals,.
pierce with a fork several times, to eliminate air holes,.
and place on baking sheet covered with Parchment Paper.
Bake at 450 to 500 for about 5 minutes, or until slightly browned.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Easy Baked Salmon

About 4-6 pieces of salmon fillets depending on size and thickness)

1/4 cup butter
2 Tablespoons olive oil
Minced onion ( as much as you like, I use a small one)
1 heaping teaspoon ( or more) of Beau Monde seasoning or you could use Old Bay seasoning
Parsley ( chopped -  I use kitchen shears)
Juice of 1 lemon

Preheat oven to 425
Mix all sauce ingredients together in a small pan on top of the stove and heat until onions are soft.
Layer fillets in a 9x13 pan and pour sauce over salmon.
Bake for 20 -25 minutes


~ I add a thin slice of lemon on top of each piece to make it pretty