I cannot stress this enough. Jesus was a Jew. He lived according to Torah and the Prophets writings (the so-called "Old" Testament). He taught us to live "by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" (quoting Duet. 8:3 speaking it in Matt. 4:4). The Jewish people were never replaced!
Mary and Joseph were Jewish. John the so-called "Baptist" was Jewish and all of Jesus' (Hebrew/Aramaic name "Yeshua"-meaning "Salvation") followers were Jewish. They kept Adonai's (the Lord's) Sabbaths and Feasts (or "Moedim" in Hebrew which means "appointed times"),
Yeshua did not change anything that the Father put into motion. He did not create a new religion called "Christianity" although I see nothing wrong with being called a Christian if we follow Him. He did not create new sacraments such as Communion or infant baptism as the churches observe. He did not start new holidays such as Easter or Christmas. He simply observed God ordained, Jewish Feasts/Moedim called Pesach (Hebrew) or Passover (KJV English) and all of the rest found in Leviticus 23.
There was no "New" Testament when Mary, Joseph, John the Baptist, Jesus, the disciples, and Saul/ Paul lived. By the way, Saul's ( "Sha'ul" in Hebrew) name was never changed to "Paul". Paul was the name the Romans called him. Please see Acts 13:9 and look up the name, "Paul". You will see that it is a Roman name. He stopped being a Pharisee, but remained a Jew all of his life!
Yes, the New Testament is the inspired Word of God, but if you want to truly understand it like a Berean, you must study the scriptures that they used, which would be the "Old Testament ". The Torah is alive and well and God's Word is eternal. It never changes and neither does He! It all points to the Covenant we have through the Son of God who takes away the sin of the world!
This is why we can trust Him.