I used to be really, really, really into politics. My poor husband didn't dare watch the news because I would get so angry about how biased the main stream media was and how ridiculous the politicians were! He heard about it from me like a crazy person ranting over their losing sports team and yelling at the TV. I am a little slow sometimes, but I finally figured out this was not pleasing to him, and toned it down.
One night, I had a dream. I have learned over the years that there are dreams and every now and then, there are DREAMS. They are the ones given by God and stand out in a different type of a way.
In this dream, I was in someone's home and Michelle Obama came in with a large entourage of people. For some reason, I had to babysit her kids (not the 2 she has, but a bunch of kids!).I was not too happy about this, but meanwhile she left, yet her people stayed. The kids were quite wild and I had just about had enough, when her entourage decided to leave, too.
As I walked these people to the back door, they all stood in a line, waiting to go. I began to tell them why their politics were wrong. As I went on and on, I looked at them and their heads were all hanging down and looking at the floor!
"What's the use," I thought, " They are not even listening!"
Then, I looked again and even though I saw that their heads were down, I saw one person's eye pop open and peek at me...then another person did the same! About 3 or 4 of the people were peeking at me, even though it did not seem like they were looking at me or listening at all! This dream really stuck with me for awhile, but I did not understand it.
A few months later, after having this dream, I was at my In-law's place, sitting at the dining room table with my brother-in-law and precious mother-in-law. We were all discussing issues concerning the quality of life. My brother-in-law's father-in-law was very ill and needed special care. Meanwhile, my nephew (about 15 or 16 years old) was watching tv nearby as we talked.
We started talking about the ethics of how much time and care we spend on the elderly, and were wondering when do you let go? I began to talk about how we must be very careful of when to give up on a life because we do not know what plans Abba God has for them, or how they may touch other people's lives. I then told them about a woman who Corrie Ten Boom knew in a communist country who was paralyzed, except could use one finger and would type out chapters of the Bible. No one suspected her, because she seemed so helpless and many people received the Word from her! It gave her a reason to live and the police never suspected her or her husband.
After talking for awhile, I happened to look down, and there was my sweet nephew sitting on the floor, close to the table, listening very intently to everything we were saying! Suddenly, that dream came rushing back to me and I understood! You never really know who is listening and watching, but Abba has a plan...
On another note, but along the same lines, I was watching "Jewish Voice Ministries" and they were talking about a huge event they had somewhere in South America. Many thousands of people attended and they proudly said that 50 people accepted Yeshua as their Messiah. Well, I thought, what's the big deal? Only 50? Immediately, the Ruach (Holy Spirit) convicted me and let me know that this was wrong, wrong, wrong! He reminded me of Yeshua leaving the 99 and going for that 1 lost sheep. Matthew 18:12-14 says :
"What's your opinion? What will somebody do who has a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away? Won't he leave the ninety- nine on the hillsides and go off to find the stray? And if he happens to find it? Yes! I tell you he is happier over it than over the ninety- nine that never strayed! Thus your Father in heaven does not want even one of these little ones to be lost.
We must simply love and obey our Father and let HIM take care of the rest...not looking to the left or the right! We may be very surprised one day to find out just WHO was really listening ~ Shalom, Shalom!