

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Wasted Emotion

Jealousy is a wasted emotion. When I get tempted to be jealous, I remember this passage:

John 21:18-23 (CJB)
Yes, indeed! I tell you, when you were younger, you put on your clothes and went where you wanted. But when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and carry you where you do not want to go. " He said this to indicate the kind of death by which Kefa [Peter] would bring glory to God. Then Yeshua said to him," Follow me! "
 Kefa [Peter] turned and saw the talmid [disciple] Yeshua especially loved following behind, the one who had leaned against him at the supper and had asked," Who is the one who is betraying you? " On seeing him, Kefa said to Yeshua," Lord, what about him? " Yeshua said to him," If I want him to stay on until I come, what is it to you? You, follow me! " Therefore the word spread among the brothers that that talmid would not die. However, Yeshua didn't say he wouldn't die, but simply," If I want him to stay on until I come, what is it to you? "

I think the disciples must have naturally been a little jealous of John since he was so close to Yeshua. Yeshua's answer to Peter when he asks about John (the disciple that Yeshua "loved") says it all, " If I want him to stay on until I come, what is it to you? You, follow me! "

" You, follow me! " If we are following Him and pleasing our Father, that is the best thing to do and we have no need for jealousy because we can have absolute assurance that we are pleasing our Creator! After all, that is the very reason we have been created! The King James Version says this best:

Revelation 4:11
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power:for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

For His pleasure is the reason we were created and if pleasing Him is our only concern, there will be no room for jealousy!