

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Day He Stopped Time

I was a desolate woman. I was divorced, on welfare and my handicapped daughter had passed away. I was alone and dirt poor but eventually found a job...which is another amazing story all together.

Anyway, I got a job running a sewing machine at a mattress factory for 10 hours a day. They said I'd never last, because I had to start at 6:00 AM and I had always been a night person. I ended up working there for 10 years, however!

I hadn't been working there long, when one morning I woke up late. Not only was I worried about losing my job, I also made an extra 20 cents an hour just for being on time, and this would be gone as well.

 I rushed around like a crazy woman! I could not think straight. All of my clothes were in the laundry so I quickly found a shirt to iron. As I frantically ironed that shirt as fast as I could, I remember praying, " Lord, sometimes I wish you would just stop time, like you did in the Bible during that great war that one time!" (see Joshua 10) I kind of laughed as I said it.

I was finally off and driving to work. There was no way I would make it on time now. As I rounded the corner and drove down the hill, I saw the traffic lights were blinking. The company was located on an intersection and everything was dark where I worked. It was a summer day, and all of the employees were sitting outside! The lights were on across the street, but no power on the side of the street the mattress factory was on!
No one was counted late that day, because the power outage had stopped the time clock!!!

Now, some may say this was just a coincidence , but I know differently. There are NO coincidences with our God! Never underestimate Him. If He heard that simple little prayer from me, you can be sure He is carefully listening to every prayer you pray as well!

We are living in a time when we must remember the great things He has done for us so we can have the faith, courage and strength to trust Him when the very hard times come. This is how the Children of God have encouraged themselves since ancient days. Just read the Psalms! Many times they would remember and carefully go through the great things Adonai had done for them.

Please be encouraged today that your Father's ear is listening to you. He will help you in His good time in amazing ways that only His creative mind can think of! Don't give up...we need the encouragement of your testimony ~

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